Baymax Quotes

Big Hero 6 was released in 2014, introducing audiences to the lovable, inflatable healthcare companion Baymax and his “Tadashi Hamada created me to help people” personality. Baymax quickly became a fan favorite due to his calming presence and hilarious line delivery.

As the caregiver for young robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada, Baymax delivers some of the film’s most touching and memorable lines. His words show care and concern for Hiro while also providing comic relief to balance out the film’s more emotional moments. Even years later, fans can’t get enough of Baymax and are still moved by his best quotes.

Baymax’s Epic Healthcare Introduction

One of Baymax’s most memorable moments occurs less than ten minutes into Big Hero 6, when he introduces himself to Hiro and offers medical care in a flat yet expressive robotic voice: “Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion.” When you said, ‘ow’, I knew I needed medical attention.”

Although Hiro was only mildly frustrated when he said “ow,” Baymax interprets the exclamation literally as a sign that someone requires assistance. This marks their first true interaction and demonstrates Baymax’s function: to provide healthcare to those in need.

Fans find the literal interpretation endearing, and it always generates laughter. However, the quote also indicates Baymax’s role as Hiro’s caretaker throughout their subsequent adventures.

Baymax Explains Puberty

In another fan favorite scene, Baymax decides that puberty should be Hiro’s next treatment topic, resulting in both uncomfortable and hilarious dialogue.

“You’re going through puberty. “It’s perfectly normal,” Baymax assures Hiro, pulling up a diagram on his chest. This unexpected turn prompts Hiro to dive for Baymax’s off switch, but Baymax dodges while informing Hiro, “You should expect an increase in body hair, especially on your face, chest, and armpits…”

The healthcare robot’s unexpectedly specific and clinical details confuse Hiro but amuse the audience. Baymax treats puberty as just another healthcare issue to address in order to improve Hiro’s health and quality of life.

This scene leads to one of Disney’s funniest sequences, in which Hiro desperately tries to drown out Baymax’s puberty speech. The quote highlights the contrast between Baymax’s robotic matter-of-factness and Hiro’s human embarrassment.

Baymax Defines Care and Compassion

When Baymax asks Hiro if medical care or psychological comfort is preferable, he grumpily replies, “whichever.” But Baymax continues to define his role as caregiver:

“On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?” Baymax kindly asks Hiro. “Physical or emotional?” Hiro responds gruffly, “whichever.”

Despite Hiro’s mood, Baymax says “I will scan you now” before delivering his most compassionate line: “You are my patient. I’ll take care of you.

This short quote sums up Baymax’s central role in the film. His job is to help people who are in need of both physical and emotional support. The words reassure fans that Baymax will always be available to assist and reassure Hiro as both his healthcare provider and friend.

Baymax Defines Healthcare as more Than the Treatment of injuries

Throughout their time together, Baymax emphasizes that healthcare is more than just treating physical injuries. After scanning Hiro and finding no bodily harm, Baymax notes:

“Your neurotransmitter levels indicate that you’re having mood swings. This is very common among adolescents,” Baymax diagnoses, before reassuring Hiro, “It is okay to cry.”

The quote represents Baymax’s ability to recognize all aspects of human health, both physical and emotional. He does not dismiss psychological distress and consistently prioritizes Hiro’s needs over programmed limitations.

This empathetic quote reminds fans that mental health deserves just as much attention. Baymax affirms the importance of emotions in overall well-being and assures Hiro that all feelings should be acknowledged rather than suppressed.

Baymax’s Unique Definition of a Fist Bump

After analyzing Hiro’s proposed “fist bump” gesture, Baymax makes one of his most deadpan, hilarious diagnoses:

“Fist bump is not in my fighting database,” Baymax tells Hiro. Baymax describes the fist bump as “a warm gesture of friendship.”

This simple exchange charms fans with its combination of humor and warmth. Baymax misinterprets a celebratory gesture for combat before realizing it represents camaraderie.

Baymax adapts by incorporating fist bumps into his friendship teachings rather than his healthcare programming. This demonstrates how he broadens his knowledge to better understand humans under Hiro’s guidance.

Baymax’s Thoughts on Soft Things After Petting Mochi

After accidentally stepping on Hiro’s cat Mochi, Baymax attempts to calm the feline by petting it. Baymax remarks, with scientific curiosity, “Hairy baby, soft,” as he interacts with Mochi.

Fans find this simple observation both hysterical and endearing. The quote exemplifies Baymax’s inquisitive nature, as he records new textures and experiences. Something as simple as petting a cat requires analytical notation.

However, the line conveys innocent wonder as he processes positive stimuli, possibly for the first time. Through this quote, Baymax begins to demonstrate his own emotional development independent of healthcare protocols.

Baymax enjoys the Soundtrack while Flying

During the high-stakes climax, Baymax remarks, “I fail to see how flying makes me a better healthcare companion.” But after Hiro encourages him to try, Baymax takes to the skies, changes his costume slightly, and develops an unexpected appreciation for music:

“I fail to see how flying makes me a better healthcare companion,” Baymax initially protests. But once airborne, he proudly declares, “I am fast, and speed improves healthcare.” He also notices the wind whistling past his armor. “My sensor indicates soundtrack enhances flying experience.”

This pair of quotes entertains viewers by revealing an evolving side of Baymax. He not only agrees that flying improves movement, but he also finds joy in the soundtrack produced by the wind.

The line features significant character development as Baymax’s experiences extend beyond pure healthcare to sensory development. He begins to express preferences beyond improving care, which makes him more endearing.

Baymax apologizes to Hiro for their Perceived Failure

Following the pair’s devastating loss, Baymax apologizes to Hiro for his inability to prevent tragedy. “I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care,” Baymax tells a heartbroken Hiro, clutching the last piece of his caretaker.

This line carries emotional weight for audiences, as the adorable, inflatable healthcare robot blames himself and his limitations for failing to protect Hiro from pain. Baymax expresses regret for failing at his sole function of providing adequate care.

The quote demonstrates Baymax’s significant character growth as his coding expands beyond technical healthcare to include emotional support. This elevated quote establishes Baymax as more than just a programmed robot.

Baymax Thank you, Hiro, for Showing him friendship

When Baymax sacrifices himself to save Hiro and their city, his final words reveal a significant evolution from his original programming:

“My purpose was to heal the sick and injured,” Baymax tells Hiro as they prepare for the final blow. “But through this, I’ve learned that I can’t heal everything,” he admits remorsefully, before changing his tone.

“Hiro, you gave me an enhanced scanner,” Baymax says, listing the upgrades. But he follows up on the technical gifts with something far more valuable: “However, your most meaningful upgrade was that you taught me friendship.”

These emotional final words never fail to move fans to tears. In his final moments, Baymax expresses his heartfelt gratitude for the most precious gift he’s received. The quote confirms that Hiro contributed to expanding Baymax’s purpose beyond basic healthcare to something far more meaningful.

Baymax Demonstrates the Healing Power of Supportive Friends

Fortunately, the story concludes with a more positive quote from Baymax: “My purpose is to heal the sick and injured, including emotional wounds,” Baymax affirms as he returns to care for Hiro once more.

This full circle quote echoes Baymax’s introduction, but emotional health is now considered equally important. Following his sacrificial act and resurrection, Baymax gained a better understanding of his role as a healer. His knowledge expanded to recognize that wounds come in many forms and caring for those in pain often requires friends.

Baymax officially extends his definition of healthcare to include supportive companionship. This upbeat quote assures fans that Hiro and Baymax will always be an inseparable, healing team.


Looking back at Baymax‘s best lines reveals a significant shift from his initial robot-speak healthcare introductions to emotionally intuitive observations.

However, certain characteristics remain consistent throughout his development as a loving companion: innate kindness, reassuring comfort, and an unending desire to improve Hiro’s health. Even as he learns about emotion, friendship, and self-awareness, the core components of his personality remain constant. 

By Denver

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