Big Hero 6

“Big Hero 6” is a popular Disney animated picture that has captured audiences across the world. This thrilling adventure tells the story of a group of unexpected heroes who band together to defend their city, San Francisco, California, from multiple dangers. This team is built around attitudes whose names have become a symbol of daring, imagination and forever friendship.

From the adorable and intelligent Hiro Hamada, the teenage robot genius, to the huggable and sweet Baymax, the inflatable health friend, each character brings their own personality and skill set to the game. They’re joined by the colourful and tech-savvy Wasabi, the brave and dangerous Go go Tomago, the youthful and funny Honey Lemon, and the mysterious and skillful Fred, who channels his love of kaiju films.

Together, these dynamic characters form the backbone of “Big Hero 6,” showing the strength of collaboration, resilience, and an emotional connection that goes above standard hero tropes. Their names have become legendary, reflecting the heart of this popular film and its message of accepting one’s own unique ability to make a difference. 

Hiro Hamada

Hiro Hamada

Hiro Hamada is the primary character in the Disney animated film “Big Hero 6.” He is a 14-year-old technology genius staying in the future city of San Francisco. Hiro’s brilliance and mechanical skills are visible from a young age, as he joins in underground robot battle. However, his life changes suddenly after an awful event with his older brother, Tadashi.

Hiro starts out as a wild and useless teenager, but his journey through the film leads him to realise his true worth and the value of using his talents for the greater good. Hiro sets off on a mission to discover the truth behind the strange things that happened, helped by Baymax, Tadashi’s healthcare robot, and his new buddies.

Tadashi Hamada

Tadashi Hamada

Tadashi Hamada, Hiro’s older brother, plays an important part in the film. He is a loving and responsible guy who acts as a mentor and role model for Hiro. Tadashi is a bright robotics student at the San Francisco Institute of Technology (SFIT), where he is working on Baymax, a healthcare robot that will provide medical help as well as emotional support.

Tadashi unfortunately kills in a fire at the SFIT appearance, leaving Hiro sorrowful and empty. Tadashi’s legacy, however, lives on via Baymax, who becomes Hiro’s greatest friend and partner in their mission to discover the cause of the fire and bring the criminals to justice.

GoGo Tomago

GoGo Tomago

GoGo Tomago is a member of the superhero team “Big Hero 6.” She is a difficult no-nonsense person with an attraction for speed and excitement. GoGo is an expert rider and engineer who works in electrical recovery technology.

Her superhero fashion consists of a yellow and black suit, as well as magnetic discs that she can use as both attack and protective weapons. GoGo’s outstanding desire and permanent dedication to her mates make her an essential part of the team.

Honey Lemon

Honey Lemon

Honey Lemon, real name Aiko Miyazaki, is another member of Big Hero 6. She is the team’s most bright and cheerful member, as well as an excellent chemistry teacher. Honey Lemon’s superhero outfit is a pink and yellow suit, and her primary weapon is a wallet that can produce a variety of chemical compounds, like smoke bombs and solid foam.

Through her easy and cheerful appearance, Honey Lemon is a powerful soldier and a great asset to the team due to her fast thinking and knowledge of chemistry.



Fred is the unique and quirky member of Big Hero 6. He is an avid comic book reader and a huge fan of the superhero team he finally joins. Fred’s alter ego is a kaiju (huge monster) outfit that he created and built himself.

Although he appears playful and active, Fred shows to be a devoted friend and essential member of the team, giving funny comedy and steadfast support throughout their journeys.



Robert is a supporting character in the film “Big Hero 6.” He is the smart and aggressive founder of Krei Tech, an important technical firm in San Francisco. Robert’s position in the film is essential since his actions accidently trigger conditions that lead to the formation of the Big Hero 6 team.

While Robert first looks to be a respected and successful businessman, his true motivations become clear as the novel progresses, providing depth and complexity to his character.



Wasabi, real name Wasabi-No Ginger, is an organized member of Big Hero 6. He is an excellent scientist and laser specialist noted for his careful attention to detail and love of order.

Wasabi’s superhero attire consist of a green and yellow suit, and his primary weapon is a pair of plasma-induced laser blades that he can control exactly. Despite his careful attitude, Wasabi proves to be a brave and dependable team member when faced with a problem.

Alistair Krei

Alistair Krei

Alistair Krei is the brilliant and perhaps ruthless CEO of Krei Tech, the leading technology firm in San Francisco. He is an essential figure in the film’s plot, since his actions and decisions have far-reaching implications.

Krei is motivated by a desire for achievement and technical advancement, which often comes at the expense of ethics and safety. His persona is a cautionary tale about the dangers of unrestrained ambition and the misuse of technology.


“Big Hero 6” is an attractive and touching film about a wide range of characters. Each with their own unique characteristics, powers, and tasks on the team. From Hiro’s journey of self-discovery to the enduring loyalty and unity among the Big Hero 6 members. The film delves into themes of friendship, loss, and the value of using one’s talents for the greater good.

“Big Hero 6” tells a gripping story that appeal to people of all ages through the relationships and adventures of its iconic characters. The film’s character development, combined with beautiful images and real oral history. Has cemented its status as a beloved addition to the Disney animated canon.

Whether you enjoy action-packed superhero adventures, touching stories of friendship, Or simply appreciate carefully planned narrative. “Big Hero 6” is a must-see picture that will stay with you long after its credits roll.

By Denver

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