Moana Characters

Discover the beautiful world of “Moana,” where each character is a brilliant tapestry made with rich history and unique personality. From the brave explorer to the strange god Maui, this Complete Guide shows the complex threads that make each character truly memorable. 

Discover Moana’s deep bond with her grandmother, Gramma Tala, whose wisdom spanning generations. Discover the naughty activities of Heihei, the not-so-bright rooster, and Pua, Moana’s loyal pet pig. Explore the mythical world of ancient deities, such as Te Fiti and Te Kā, whose struggle shapes the epic story. Prepare to be enchanted as this guide looks into the depths of each character, revealing the magic that has permanently etched “Moana” into our hearts.



The true star of Disney‘s 2016 animated film is Moana, a daring, persistent young woman who represents the spirit of adventure and self-discovery. From the moment we meet Moana as a wide-eyed child enchanted by legend about former voyagers, it is clear that she is destined for greatness beyond her island home. Her innate curiosity and creative spirit make her an unique heroine, breaking the traditional path set for her as the daughter of a village chief.

Moana, voiced by talented newcomer Auli’i Cravalho, is a true trailblazer who challenges social norms and forges her own identity. Her courage and determination are unparalleled as she sets sail across the great Pacific, motivated by a sense of duty to save her people. However, beneath her strong exterior, she possesses weaknesses and depth that make her completely relatable.

Moana’s journey is more than just physical; it is also a profound exploration of self-discovery and determining one’s place in the world. Her unwavering spirit and capacity to challenge the status order make her a powerful role model, inspiring audiences of all ages to embrace their true worth and face their fears head on. 

Hei Hei the Rooster

Hei Hei the Rooster

While Moana’s epic journey is filled with legendary beings and larger-than-life character traits, one character stands out for his sheer zaniness: Hei Hei the Rooster. This scatterbrained fowl may appear to be an unlikely scene stealer, but his brilliantly crazy actions and complete indifference provide some of the film’s most amusing and adorable moments. From his charmingly empty expression to his strange sense of survival, Hei Hei defies logic and expectations, leaving audiences in grins with each appearance.

What makes Hei Hei charming is his ability to bring comedy into almost the most intense situations. Whether he’s blindly wandering into danger or providing an unexpected break during a heated argument, this feathered friend’s actions serve as a reminder not to take life too seriously. 

His presence is a welcome complement to the high-stakes adventure building around him, providing much-needed comic relief to keep the story from becoming too heavy. Hei Hei’s sheer craziness and random behavior make him a scene-stealing force, cementing his status as one of the most popular and quotable characters in the Moana universe. 



In a movie full of legends and larger-than-life character traits, the colorful and selfish Tamatoa stands out. This massive crab monster, voiced with delicious anger by Jemaine Clement, is a true scene-stealer, commanding the screen with his out-of-control behavior and insatiable hunger for everything beautiful. Tamatoa shows charisma and confidence throughout his grand introduction and his show-stopping musical number “Shiny,” making him an unforgettable addition to the Moana pantheon.

Tamatoa’s charm springs from his delightful quirkiness and shameless self-absorption. Every line breathes selfish bold, as he revels in his own beauty and loves his vast collection of stole items. However, beneath his comically inflated ego is a very complex character motivated by a deep resentment of the humans who have took his domain.

Tamatoa’s larger-than-life personality and cleverly crafted motivations transform him from simply a hurdle in Moana’s path to a fully realized and complex enemy. His clever cleverness and beautifully selfish attitude make him an instant fan favorite, keeping audiences engaged and uncomfortable in the best way possible. 



While the brave Moana and the joyful monster Maui take center stage in their epic ocean adventure, Moana’s beloved mother, Sina, is the story’s heart and soul. Sina, the caring grandmother of the family, embodies the traditional values and knowledge passed down through generations on the island. Her kind guidance and unwavering support for her daring daughter provide a strong emotional core among the whirlwind of magical adventures.

Sina’s ability to balance deeply held ideas with an open mind and heart marks her as a truly remarkable character. Though afraid to break the island’s strict rules against going beyond the reef, Sina finally trusts her daughter’s emotions and stubborn spirit. 

Her love and faith in Moana are free and clear, allowing the young heroine to take up her true calling. Sina’s quiet strength and deep connection to her family history give the story a strong sense of honesty and cultural respect. Her comforting presence provides a powerful reminder of the lasting relationship between mothers and daughters, as well as the deep effect that maternal guidance can have on a young woman’s journey to self-discovery. 

Gramma Tala

Gramma Tala

The wise and funny Gramma Tala guides Moana on her journey of self-discovery. This beloved grandmother person, voiced by the legendary Rachel House, is a storehouse of old knowledge and traditions. Gramma Tala, with her playful spirit and strong connection to the spirit realm, acts as a link between the modern world and the magical legends of the past.

Gramma Tala’s vibrant personality and strong faith in Moana’s destiny captivate audiences from the start. Her role goes far more than that of a kind grandparent; she is a keeper of sacred stories and an example who sparks Moana’s endless interest about her family’ navigating history.

Gramma Tala’s colorful tales and playful actions inspire in her granddaughter the courage to go against the rules of society and embrace her true calling as a master traveler. Even after she died, her spirit continues on, guiding Moana through her most difficult challenges with wisdom and unwavering faith. Gramma Tala’s enduring presence provides an important reminder of how powerful elders and their stories can be in shaping the lives of future generations. 

Chief Tui

Chief Tui

Chief Tui, Moana’s father, acts as a counterpoint to her daring personality. Tui, the village’s strict father and leader, embodies the rules and traditions that have kept the islanders together for generations. His thoughtful security comes from a deep fear of the unknown, motivated by the tragic death of his best friend during an unsuccessful voyage as a child.

While Tui’s resistance to change first pits him against his daring daughter, his development of character gradually reveals a man struggling with his own self-worth and the weight of leadership. Behind his hard exterior is a loving father who is deeply concerned about Moana’s safety and the well-being of his people. 

As the story progresses, Tui must confront his own demons and accept the fact that sometimes the greatest acts of love need letting go. His ultimate acceptance of Moana’s fate shows the transformative power of parenthood and the delicate balance between protection and power. Tui’s journey shows how even the most steadfast traditions can be changed by the courage and determination of those we love.


What type of character is Moana? 

Moana appears as a strong, adventurous, and caring character. She is deeply connected to her culture and feels a strong sense of responsibility to her people and the ocean. Throughout her journey, she shows courage, resilience, and a desire to learn and grow.

What is Moana’s attitude?

Moana’s attitude is defined by determination, courage, and empathy. She is not afraid to defy expectations and pursue her dreams, even in the face of difficulty. Moana faces challenges with optimism and resourcefulness, always striving to do the right thing for her community and the world around her.

Why is Moana so popular?

Moana became widely popular due to a variety of factors. For starters, her story appeals to people of all ages because it delves into themes such as self-discovery, identity, and the importance of cultural preservation. Furthermore, the film has captivating animation, memorable music, and a compelling depiction of Polynesian culture. Moana is a relatable and inspiring protagonist, which contributes to her popularity and enduring appeal.

Is Moana Hawaiian or Indian? 

Moana is not explicitly identified as Indian or Hawaiian in the film. Instead, she appears as a character from the fictional island of Motunui, which is influenced by various Polynesian cultures. While specifics about Moana’s cultural background are unknown, her story incorporates elements from various Polynesian traditions, including Hawaiian, Maori, and Tahitian, among others. As a result, Moana represents a broader Polynesian identity, rather than just Indian or Hawaiian. 


The colourful world of Moana is brought to life by its wide range of characters. From the brave traveller to the naughty rooster Hei Hei, each character leaves a permanent mark on the audience. The narrative is grounded by Gramma Tala’s wisdom and Sina’s caring spirit, while Chief Tui’s arc serves as a reminder of the transformative power of love. Maui’s arrogance is balanced by his weakness, while Tamatoa’s selfish confidence delights and unnerves in equal measure. 

Together, these characters create an ensemble that honors courage, identity, and the enduring spirit of Polynesian culture. This Complete Guide is an amazing find for fans, capturing the magic that has made Moana an instant classic.

By Denver

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